Animation Action Fantasy Comedy Family Adventure
While performing a puppet show at a nursery, the HappinessCharge Pretty Cures are surprised when one of the dolls starts talking. “Save our kingdom!” Tsumugi, the ballerina doll, pleads. The Pretty Cures accompany Tsumugi to the land of dolls, a girls’ paradise of cute stuffed animals, talking dolls, music and dance ruled by the noble Prince Zeke. But the kingdom is under attack by the forces of Black Fang, a mysterious man who wants to conquer the land for his own nefarious purposes. As sorrow spreads throughout the Kingdom of Dolls, the Pretty Cures come to the rescue.
Directed by
Chiaki Kon
Written by
Yoshimi Narita
Daisuke Ono
Prince Zeke (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Black Fang
Yui Horie
Haruka Tomatsu
Iona Hikawa / Cure Fortune (voice)
Yuuki Takada
Female 2
Megumi Han
Hime Shirayuki / Cure Princess (voice)
Takuya Masumoto
Naoko Matsui
Rina Kitagawa
Yuko Omori / Cure Honey (voice)
Ryuichi Kijima
Doll 1
Megumi Nakajima
Megumi Aino / Cure Lovely (voice)
Miki Hase
Tsumugi's Friend A
Ryosuke Kanemoto
Seiji Sagara
Sachiko Kojima
Miyo Masuko
Shiho Kokido
Doll 4
Shouma Yamamoto
Seria Fukagawa
Tsumugi's Friend B
Asami Yano
Tsumugi's Friend C
Takahiro Miwa
Doll 2
Miyuki Kobori
Jun Hirose
Male 1
Konami Saito
Female 1
Yuya Tashiro
Male 2
Yayoi Sugaya
Doll 3
Tomomi Tachibana
Female 3

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