Drama Romance
In the Carpathian Mountains of 19th-century Ukraine, love, hate, life and death among the Hutsul people are as they’ve been since time began. Ivan is drawn to Marichka, the beautiful young daughter of the man who killed his father. But fate tragically decrees that the two lovers will remain apart.
Directed by
Sergei Parajanov
Written by
Ivan Chendej, Sergei Parajanov
Nikolay Grinko
Aleksey Borzunov
Narrator (voice)
Ivan Mykolaichuk
Ivan Paliychuk
Larysa Kadochnykova
Marichka Gutenyuk
Nina Alisova
Paliychuk, Ivan's Mother
Neonila Hnepovska
Spartak Bagashvili
Yurko Malfara
Aleksandr Gai
Petro Paliychuk
Tatyana Bestayeva
Leonid Yengibarov
Aleksandr Raydanov
Onufriy Gutenyuk
Igor Dzyura
Young Ivan
Valentina Glinko
Young Marichka
Natalia Kandyba
Ganna Paliychuk (voice)
Suren Parajanov
Child (uncredited)

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