Drama Romance
The young Count Ettingen leads a dissolute life in Munich with the demanding Baroness Prankha at his side. To finance his life, he has his uncle cut down the forests in his estate without caring about the consequences. When he catches his girlfriend having an affair, however, he retreats to the mountains. From the young alpine dairymaid Lore he learns about another side of life and wants to stop the overexploitation of the forest. But the baroness still wants his money.
Directed by
Alfred Vohrer
Written by
Werner P. Zibaso
Walter Buschhoff
Sky du Mont
Ferdy Mayne
Baron Sternfeld
Erni Singerl
Kathi Leitner
Belinda Mayne
Lore Petri
Evelyn Opela
Baronin Edith von Prankha
Edwige Pierre
Ludwig Schmid-Wildy
Alexander Stephan
Götz Graf Ettingen
Bernhard Helfrich
Peppi Praxmaler
Georg Einerdinger

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