Comedy Animation Family
Garfield's 29-year winning streak in the annual Fun Fest talent competition is threatened by a dashing new entrant, Ramone, who possesses great charm. Concerned about losing his touch, Garfield goes on a quest to seek Freddy Frog's mythical pond, where it is said that anyone who drinks from it is certain to be funny.
Directed by
Mark A.Z. Dippé
Written by
Jim Davis
Frank Welker
Garfield / Delivery Gnome / Prop Boy / Leonard / Jeff (voice)
Fred Tatasciore
Billy Bear / Junior Bear (voice)
Jason Marsden
Nermal / Ramone (voice)
Tim Conway
Freddy Frog / Gate Guard / Roger / Narrator (voice)
Audrey Wasilewski
Arlene / Zelda / Momma Bear (voice)
Wally Wingert
Jon Arbuckle (voice)
Gregg Berger
Odie (voice)
Stephen Stanton
Randy Rabbit / Stanislavsky (voice)
Cathy Cavadini
Additional Voices (voice)
Jeff Fischer
Additional Voices (voice)
Greg Eagles
Eli (voice)
David Michie
Additional Voices (voice)
Ruth Zalduondo
Additional Voices (voice)
Greg Finley
Additional Voices (voice)

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