Drama Action Comedy Thriller Crime
Three bad girls - a down-and-out stripper, a drug-running killer, and a corporate powerbroker - arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort and steal $200 million in diamonds from a ruthless underworld kingpin.
Directed by
Rick Jacobson
Kevin Sorbo
Mr. Phoenix
Lucy Lawless
Mother Superior
Christine Nguyen
Nasty Nubile Escort
Mark Lutz
Deiter von Vondervon
Karen Austin
Michael Hurst
Erin Cummings
America Olivo
Eric Gruendemann
Father Malone
Sala Baker
Zoë Bell
Dennis Keiffer
Renee O'Connor
Sister Batrill
Jennifer Miller
Lap Vixen Thumper
Minae Noji
Julia Voth
Brian Peck
Wrong Place - Wrong Time
Carlo Mendez
Mercenary Leader
Jim Klock
Officer Spanky With a 'Tude
Tyrone Power Jr.
There Goes the Groom
Justin Kornmann
Mercenary Rebel Yell
Debbie Lee Carrington
Hot Pocket
Richard King
Ron Melendez
Deputy Fuchs
Robert Mammana
Prison Guard John
William Gregory Lee
Hot Wire
Carla Collins
Here Comes The Bride
Bianca Barnett
Harem Hussie Code Red
Astrid Swan
Lady Liberty
Aisha Cain
Harem Aussie Code Blue
Krystal Badia
Sister Sara
Danny Nero
Officer Big Gun McFluff
Scott Hanley
Black Ice
Saranne Lund
Her Less Inhibited Yet Still Patriotic Friend
Kalin Keech
Freedom Fightin' Stripper
Carmen Jimenez
Brownie All Grown Up
Rich Kirby
Prison Guard Thomas
Katelyne Friedman
Lily the Languid
Lia Wagner
Lap Vixen Misty
Daniel Cieplinski
Unlucky Mercenary Bastard
Steve Barker
Bodyguard Tapert
Gary La Guard
Bodyguard Raimi
Tony Gardne
Vladimir Popmeov
Michael Belasco
Totally Awful Background Artist
Thom Williams
Daniel Cerny
Jeremy Aimone
Greg Broadmore
Peter Lyon
Steve Prouty

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