Action Adventure Sci-Fi
In the near future, the “ARK Project” has initiated a program to increase the quality of human life through the peaceful use of robots. Dr. Komyoji, the chief scientist on the project, has developed a process to create a robot with a figurative human “heart” through the installation of a “conscience circuit”, but his plans are violently opposed by researcher Gilbert Kanzaki. When Dr. Komyoji is killed in an apparent accident, his children Masaru and Mitsuko are targeted by mysterious forces within the ARK Project looking to gain control of the scientist’s research data. But the villains are opposed by Jiro, the android with a human conscience who fights for justice as the hero Kikaider.
Directed by
Ten Shimoyama
Written by
Kento Shimoyama
Maryjun Takahashi
Android Mari
Kenichi Suzumura
Aimi Satsukawa
Mitsuko Komyoji
Shingo Tsurumi
Gilbert Kamisaki / Hakaider
Renji Ishibashi
Shinnosuke Tanabe
Hirotaro Honda
Sogoro Honda
Jingi Irie
Jiro / Kikaider
Ryuji Harada
Hanpei Hattori
Daisuke Ban
Kyujiro Maeno
Ikuji Nakamura
Minami Kajihara
Yuta Ikeda
Masaru Komyoji
Kazushige Nakashima
Dr. Nobuhiko Komyoji

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