Drama Comedy
Jeton, a 10-year-old boy is sitting on the edge of a balcony on the 4th floor. Neighbours and passers-by, terrified by this situation, call the police and firefighters for help. But the situation quickly becomes unmanageable.
Directed by
Lendita Zeqiraj
Written by
Lendita Zeqiraj
Arben Bajraktaraj
Adriana Matoshi
Edona Reshitaj
Shengyl Ismaili
Sevdai Radogoshi
Osman Ahmeti
Kujtim Kryeziu
Gjin Kastrati
Sefedin Nuredini
Avni Dalipi
Leonora Mehmetaj
Burhan Sejdiu
Afrim Muçaj
Mejreme Berisha
Gojart Kqiku

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