War Drama
As the end of the Second World War approaches and the Soviet Red Army is advancing, a group of concentration camp inmates is helped to escape by a Polish doctor. They hide in a wood where they meet other fugitives, who have been there for months, constantly in fear of being discovered. Out of fear of the German army patrols, they do not dare to leave the forest, even as the food supplies run low.
Directed by
Eugen York
Klaus Kinski
Dutch prisoner
Winnie Markus
Maria Bronek
Walter Richter
Dr. Leon Bronek
Annemarie Hase
Hilde Körber
die Irre
Erich Dunskus
Peter Marx
Josef Sieber
Lotte Koch
Lydia, die Polin
Willy Prager
Vater Simon
Catja Görna
Siegmar Schneider
Carl-Heinz Schroth
Alfred Cogho
Joseph Almas
Gabriele Heßmann

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