Animation Family Fantasy
After Sofia helps a little mermaid named Oona, Sofia's amulet grants her the power to transform into a mermaid and visit her new friend's underwater kingdom. But when Cedric (disguised as a seamonster) plots to steal Oona's enchanted Mermaid Comb, danger surfaces for both worlds. With a little help from special guest, Princess Ariel, Sofia embarks on an adventure to rescue Oona and prevent a typhoon before it's too late.
Directed by
Larry Leichliter, Jamie Mitchell
Written by
Craig Gerber
Kiernan Shipka
Oona (voice)
Jim Cummings
Wormwood (voice)
Ariel Winter
Sofia (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Farley (voice)
Sara Ramirez
Queen Miranda (voice)
John Ross Bowie
Sven (voice)
Jodi Benson
Ariel (voice)
Tim Gunn
Baileywick (voice)
Zach Callison
James (voice)
Phil Morris
Plank (voice)
Wayne Brady
Clover (voice)
Travis Willingham
King Roland II (voice)
Darcy Rose Byrnes
Amber (voice)
Sarah Mitchell
Cora (voice)

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