Comedy Drama
The young Marion is arrested by the police for pimping, prostitution and indecent exposure. Reporter Axel Rottmann sense a lucrative story for his newspaper. He makes a deal with Marion, to tell her story.
Directed by
Rolf Thiele
Written by
Rolf Thiele
Mario Adorf
Axel Rottmann, Reporter
Nadja Tiller
Marion Hafner
Rudolf Forster
General a. D.
Charles Regnier
Dr. Kämpfe, Zeitungsverleger
Fritz Tillmann
Eduard Meyer-Cleve, Industrieller
Erika von Thellmann
Baronin Sassel
Tilo von Berlepsch
Dr. Merkel, Ermittlungsrichter
Peter Parten
Hans Meyer-Cleve
Renate Schacht
Marions Mutter

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