Action Mystery Crime Thriller Romance
A young, beautiful and rich girl, Dimpy Singh, approaches Samrat Tilakdhari, a private investigator, with a strange case. Their garden got ruined for reasons that appear natural but are not known; leading horticulturists have examined the fading plants but they have not been able to identify the probable reason. Further, her father's favorite horse died; once again the reason for the pre-mature death remains a mystery. That's not the end; Dimpy's father Mahendra Pratap Singh, otherwise a very strong and balanced man, has been experiencing deteriorating health. All these aspects when combined makes the case sound weird and that grabs the attention of Samrat. Samrat along with his assistant friend, Chakradhar Pandey, visits the huge estate of Mahendra Pratap Singh. As he starts investigating, he discovers lots of mysterious facts.
Directed by
Kaushik Ghatak
Written by
Kaushik Ghatak
Rajeev Khandelwal
Samrat Tilakdhari
Madalasa Sharma
Dimpy Singh
Girish Karnad
Mahendra Pratap Singh
Indraneil Sengupta
Vijay Singh
Priyanshu Chatterjee
Sanjay Kumar Singh
Barkha Bisht
Revati Singh
Puja Gupta
Ravi Jhankal
Puran Kaka
Gopal Datt
Chakradhar Pandey
Shreya Narayan
Divya Singh

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