Action Drama Crime
Eight years after fleeing the Congo following his assassination of that country's minister of mining, former assassin Jim Terrier is back, suffering from PTSD and digging wells to atone for his violent past. After an attempt is made on his life, Terrier flies to London to find out who wants him dead -- and why. Terrier's search leads him to a reunion with Annie, a woman he once loved, who is now married to an oily businessman with dealings in Africa.
Directed by
Pierre Morel
Javier Bardem
Felix Marti
Idris Elba
Sean Penn
Jim Terrier
Ray Winstone
Stanley Edgerton
Mark Rylance
Terrance Cox
Peter Franzén
Jasmine Trinca
Daniel Adegboyega
Melina Matthews
Cox's Secretary
Rachel Lascar
Prasanna Puwanarajah
Doctor (UCL)
San Yélamos
Felix's Assistant
Ancuta Breaban
Passerby (uncredited)
Oscar Foronda
Company Man
Annick Weerts
Restaurant Hostess
Sarah Moyle
Carla Pérez
Female Aid Worker
Mark Schardan
Procurement Chief (NGO)
Mark Billingham
Ade Oyefeso
Angela Fuente
David Blakeley
Man in Bar
Miquel Àngel Ripeu
Medical Chief (NGO)
Txiki Blasi
North American Aid Worker (NGO)
Alito Rodgers
Security Chief (NGO)
Paulina Boneva
Passerby (uncredited)

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