Drama Comedy
Beginning with the suicide of a film director, this work represents the Korean New Wave Cinema movement that focused on criticizing the Korean society in the 1980s through satire and humor. The journey taken by the characters, who lead low lives at the margins of the society, award them with a sense of liberation, however brief.
Directed by
Lee Jang-ho
Written by
Yoon Si-mon
Lee Seok-ku
Kim Myung-gon
Kim Ji-young
Lee Bo-hee
Mun Cheol-Jae
Lee Hee-sung
Gang Hui-ju
Nam Po-dong
Kim Su-Gyeong
Kil Da-Ro
Choe Seok
Yang Seong-won
Jeong Young-kuk
Lee Nan-sil
Gang Jae-il
Seo Jeong-suk
Park Jin-hee
Yu A-ra
Lee Jae-hyeong
Choi Byung-chel
You Young-kook

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