Animation Family Fantasy
On a magical tropical island, a fun-loving group of misfit animals and people discover a baby dinosaur frozen since prehistoric times. When a king from a faraway country vows to capture the loveable baby dino for his private collection, all the inhabitants must join together to save their new friend.
Directed by
Reinhard Klooss, Holger Tappe
Anke Engelke
Wutz (voice)
Oliver Pocher
Schusch (voice)
Wolfgang Völz
Seele-Fant (voice)
Michael Mantell
Christoph Maria Herbst
Dr. Zwengelmann (voice)
Wigald Boning
Professor Tibatong (voice)
Stefan Krause
Ping (voice)
Frank Schaff
Wawa (voice)
Domenic Redl
Urmel (voice)
Klaus Sonnenschein
Pumponell (voice)
Florian Halm
Sami (voice)
Kevin Iannotta
Tim (voice)
Ulrike Johanssen
Bernhard Völger

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