Drama Romance War
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
Directed by
Richard Boleslawski
Etienne Girardot
Hungarian Officer (uncredited)
Akim Tamiroff
Gypsy Fiddler (uncredited)
Nils Asther
Capt. Geza Petery
Leonid Kinskey
Serbian Villager (uncredited)
Richard Cramer
Stepan, Dushan's Servant (uncredited)
Oscar Apfel
Counselor Velasch (uncredited)
Kay Francis
Irina Radovic
Harry Semels
Serbian Villager (uncredited)
Charles Halton
Villager (uncredited)
Walter Huston
Mayor Dushan Radovic
Frank Conroy
Archduke Franz Ferdinand (uncredited)
Mischa Auer
Gavrilo Princip (uncredited)
Phillips Holmes
Eugene Pallette
Jean Parker
Margaret Dumont
Duchess Sophie (uncredited)
James Bell
Peter (uncredited)
Russ Powell
Man Introducing Durosch (uncredited)
Lucien Prival
Hungarian Soldier (uncredited)
Clarence Wilson
Capt. Durosch (uncredited)
Wilhelm von Brincken
Hungarian Officer (uncredited)
C. Henry Gordon
Panto Nikitch
Louise Closser Hale
Militza Brooska
Hal Boyer
Mitry, a Deserter (uncredited)
Frank Burke
Jankovitch (uncredited)
Allen Fox
Greg, a Deserter (uncredited)
Ferdinand Munier
White-Bearded Party Guest (uncredited)
Milton Wallace
Col. Patou (uncredited)

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