Family Animation
Travel along with Thomas for a wonderfully wobbly and wheel-spinning good time! The No. 1 blue engine has bridges to cross and tracks to uncover in these exciting adventures. When Victor gets overloaded with too many tasks, can Thomas help him let out steam? And while trying to get Scruff as clean as a whistle, will Thomas have to get his own wheels dirty? Just when things seem to be rolling along, will Ol' Wheezy make a wobbly mess of Thomas' special delivery? Hold on for exciting surprises waiting to be delivered just for you! Featuring the episodes: Jumping Jobi Wood!, Thomas and Scruff, Victor Says Yes and Toby and the Whistling Woods. The Australian release contains two additional episode; Creaky Cranky and Tickled Pink.
Togo Igawa
Hiro (voice)
Michael Brandon
Narator (voice)
William Hope
Edward / Toby / Whiff / Dash (voice)
David Bedella
Victor (voice)
Kerry Shale
Henry/Gordon/James/Bash/Scruff/Kevin/Topham Hatt/Various (voice)
Ben Forster
Mr. Perkins
Jules de Jongh
Emily (voice)
Glenn Wrage
Ferdinand / Rocky (voice)
Martin Sherman
Thomas / Percy (voice)

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