Western Drama
When three women living on the edge of the American frontier are driven mad by harsh pioneer life, the task of saving them falls to the pious, independent-minded Mary Bee Cuddy. Transporting the women by covered wagon to Iowa, she soon realizes just how daunting the journey will be, and employs a low-life drifter, George Briggs, to join her. The unlikely pair and the three women head east, where a waiting minister and his wife have offered to take the women in. But the group first must traverse the harsh Nebraska Territories marked by stark beauty, psychological peril and constant threat.
Directed by
Tommy Lee Jones
Written by
Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Oliver, Kieran Fitzgerald
Hailee Steinfeld
Tabitha Hutchinson
William Fichtner
Vester Belknap
James Spader
Aloysius Duffy
Meryl Streep
Altha Carter
Tommy Lee Jones
George Briggs
John Lithgow
Reverend Alfred Dowd
Jesse Plemons
Garn Sours
Barry Corbin
Buster Shaver
Evan Jones
Bob Giffen
Miranda Otto
Theoline Belknap
David Dencik
Thor Svendsen
Hilary Swank
Mary Bee Cuddy
Tim Blake Nelson
The Freighter
Grace Gummer
Arabella Sours
Caroline Lagerfelt
Netti Svendsen
Martin Palmer
Vigilante #2
Jesi Mandagaran
Sonja Richter
Gro Svendsen
Sachie Capitani
Belknap Daughter #2
Richard Andrew Jones
Jo Harvey Allen
Mrs. Polhemus
Rick Irwin
Karen Jones
Mrs. Linens
Brian Kennedy
Barkeep Fitzpatrick
Autumn Shields
Loney Belknap (uncredited)
Jerry Vahn Knight
Vigilante #3
Adrian Doerfler
Vigilante #4
Lela Rose Allen
Belknap Daughter #1
Austin Leonard Jones
Banjo Player
Kaelynn Wright
Arabella Sibling

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