TV Movie Romance Comedy Drama Family
Holly Grant has learned a long time ago not to rely on Santa Claus leaving Mr. Right in her Christmas stocking. But Holly is in for a surprise when a handsome man arrives on her doorstep with a twinkle in his eye and Yuletide tree in tow.
Directed by
Kevin Connor
Written by
Roger Schroeder
Martin Mull
Martin Grant
Bridget White
Carol Grant
Kelli Williams
Holly Grant
Charles Durning
Santa Claus
Shannon Wilcox
Joanna Grant
Patrick Muldoon
Ryan Hayes
Maeve Quinlan
Erica Gimpel
Rodger Bumpass
Russell Parker
David Starzyk
Bruce Thomas
Ted Powell
Shane Baumel
Neal Grant
Jordan Orr
Noah Grant
John Dybdahl
Kenneth Danziger
Harrison Lane

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