War Comedy
During World War II, a Royal Artillery officer is assigned to an anti-aircraft battery that is filled with female soldiers of the Auxiliary Territorial Service. His wife who has enlisted is mistakenly posted to the battery in violation of regulations of husbands and wives serving together in the same formation. She becomes jealous of what she perceives as him paying too much attention to the other Auxiliary Territorial Service women.
Directed by
Gilbert Gunn
John Cairney
Gunner Willie Ross
Fabia Drake
Junior Commander Maddox ATS
Eve Eden
A.T.S. Girl
Ronald Shiner
Gunner Slocum
Naunton Wayne
Major Pym
Marianne Stone
Sgt. Cook
Naomi Chance
Subaltern Godfrey ATS
Cyril Chamberlain
Orderly Sgt.
Barbara Hicks
Sgt. Merrifield
Donald Sinden
Lt. Gordon Brown
Peter Jones
Gunner Perkins
Amanda Barrie
ATS Girl
Barbara Murray
Pvt. Betty Brown
Ambrosine Phillpotts
Brian Weske
Gunner Pooley
Dora Bryan
Pvt. Cox
Dorinda Stevens
ATS Girl
John Welsh
Daniel Massey
Bombardier Peter Palmer
Harry Landis
Gunner Wilkinson
Carole Lesley
Pvt. Marge White
Joan Rice
Pvt. Finch
Julie Alexander
ATS Girl
Judy Grinham
PT Instructress
George Mikell
German Airman
Marigold Russell
ATS Girl
Julie Hopkins
ATS Girl
Beverly Prowse
ATS Girl
Margaret Simons
ATS Girl
Pamela Searle
ATS Girl
Pat Gibson
ATS Girl

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