Comedy Romance
Dedicated environmental lawyer Lucy Kelson goes to work for billionaire George Wade as part of a deal to preserve a community center. Indecisive and weak-willed George grows dependent on Lucy's guidance on everything from legal matters to clothing. Exasperated, Lucy gives notice and picks Harvard graduate June Carter as her replacement. As Lucy's time at the firm nears an end, she grows jealous of June and has second thoughts about leaving George.
Directed by
Marc Lawrence
Written by
Marc Lawrence
Katheryn Winnick
Sandra Bullock
Lucy Kelson
Tim Kang
Paul the Attorney
Alicia Witt
June Carter
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Hugh Grant
George Wade
Mark Feuerstein
Rich Beck
Norah Jones
Norah Jones
David Haig
Howard Wade
Francie Swift
Lauren Wade
Adam LeFevre
RV Man
Dana Ivey
Ruth Kelson
Jason Antoon
Becky Ann Baker
RV Woman
Robert Klein
Larry Kelson
Heather Burns
Meryl Brooks
Veanne Cox
Melanie Corman
Dorian Missick
Sondra James
John Cunningham
Justice of the Peace
Charlotte Maier
Helen Wade
Adam Grupper
Ex-Mrs. Wade's Lawyer
Nadine Mozon
Ms. Gonzales
David Aaron Baker
Man Getting into Cab
Sharon Wilkins
Polly St. Clair
Rocco Musacchia
Jonathan Dokuchitz
Libby West
José Ramón Rosario
Assemblyman Perez
Mark Zeisler
Mr. Lowell
Teagle F. Bougere
Willie the Bellboy
Joseph Badalucco Jr.
Construction Foreman
Janine LaManna
Elaine Cominsky
Iraida Polanco
Wynter Kullman
Johnny Dee
Homeless Man
Mandy Siegfried
Hana the Hostess
Mike Piazza
Mike Piazza
Shannon Fiedler
Cookie Girl
Sebastian Rand
RV Son
George Gearhart King III
RV Son
Bill Bowers
Dance Floor Mime
William Thourlby
Man in Elevator
Elizabeth Owens
Woman in Elevator
Marina Lutz
Lucy's Assistant

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