Comedy Drama Fantasy
Boothnath vows to redeem himself when spirits tease him, and searches for a child to terrify. He befriends Akhrot, a slum kid, and helps him take on the country's most powerful politician.
Directed by
Nitesh Tiwari
Shah Rukh Khan
Aditya Sharma
Amitabh Bachchan
Khailash Nath aka Bhoothnath
Ranbir Kapoor
Himself (Cameo Appearance)
Boman Irani
Brijendra Kala
Sanjay Mishra
Mishti Baihud
Usha Nadkarni
Lolita Singh
Anant Jog
Opposition Party Leader
Parth Bhalerao
Kurush Deboo
Manmeet Singh
Usha Jadhav
Bindia Pathak
Kamlesh Sawant
Police Inspector

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