Comedy Horror
The town of Vögel, in Transylvania, stands under the ruins of the old castle where the vampire lord tortured his prisoners and drank their blood. A group of stranded entertainers take shelter in the remote European castle and the Count is naturally delighted to receive them…
Directed by
Julio Pérez Tabernero
Written by
Julio Pérez Tabernero, Antonio Baylos
María José Cantudo
Ágata Lys
Julio Pérez Tabernero
Germán Cobos
Sara Mora
José María Tasso
Paula Pattier
María Vidal
Rafael Conesa
J. Alonso Vaz
John Watter
Juan Tabernero
Juan Antonio Patiño
Conde Erik
Liza S. Leon
Débora Rey
Mary Cruz
Elke Jhonsen
María Pinar
Gilberto Moreno
Pietro - hombre lobo
Antonio Almorós
Luis Alonso
Antonio Orengo
Antonio Ramis
I. Beltrán de Lys
Carlos Enrile
Marqués de Toro
Conde Erik
Belinda Corel
Marcela (uncredited)

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