Comedy Romance Drama
Joe and Lucky travel around New England painting barns in exchange for an advertisement on one side. The meet Madge, who is cruelly treated by a her father who plans to marry her off to someone she despises.
Directed by
Harry Lachman
Frank Hagney
Minor Role (uncredited)
Sarah Padden
Ma Brown
Russell Simpson
Pa Nathan Brown
Spencer Tracy
Joe Buck
Stuart Erwin
Victor Potel
Ed Burns, Carnival Patron (uncredited)
Marian Nixon
James Burke
Cop (uncredited)
Robert Dudley
Minister (uncredited)
Si Jenks
Townsman (uncredited)
Ruth Clifford
Hotel Guest with Dog (uncredited)
Dale Fuller
Clerk, Circleville General Store (uncredited)
Sam Hardy
Professor Triplett
Guy Usher
Albert Preston
Lila Lee
Sharon Hadley
Ruth Warren
Fairgrounds Spectator (uncredited)
Lucille Ward
Mrs. Ed Burns (uncredited)
Frank McGlynn Jr.
Jim Brown
Billy Platt
Jupiter - Midget
Charles Dow Clark
Sheriff Rock (uncredited)
Ben Hall
Service Station Attendant (uncredited)
Lillian Lawrence
Wedding Guest (uncredited)

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