Drama Romance Comedy
Mr. Gray is the new Resident in Charge of the Welcome Islands in the Indian Ocean. The Islands are full of life, but the only other Europeans are the "sanctimonious, psalm-singing" brother-sister missionary team of Martha and Owen Jordans, and the Honourable Ted - a hard-drinking, womanizing social outcast whose English family pays him to stay away. Martha and Ted become an unlikely team when cholera threatens the islands and they must do their best to stop its spread.
Directed by
Muriel Box
Glynis Johns
Martha Jones
Donald Pleasence
Donald Sinden
Ewart Gray
Michael Hordern
The Headman
Robert Newton
Ted Wilson
Michael Mellinger
Medical Orderly
Paul Rogers
Re. Owen Jones
Jeanne Roland
Ronald Adam
Sir Henry Johnstone (uncredited)
Ronald Lewis
Headman's Son
Walter Crisham
Andy Ho
Dispenser (uncredited)
Rosita Garcia
Auric Lorand
Alfred - Major Domo
Tony Quinn
Ship Captain
Ah Chong Choy
Wang - the Barkeep
Lizabeth Rollins
Girl at Maputiti

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