Action Comedy Sci-Fi
Tripp is a high school senior with a knack for building trucks who makes an incredible discovery - a gas-guzzling creature named Creech. To protect his mischievous new friend, Tripp hides Creech under the hood of his latest creation, turning it into a real-life super-powered Monster Truck. Together, this unlikely duo with a shared taste for speed team up on a wild and unforgettable journey to reunite Creech with his family.
Directed by
Chris Wedge
Samara Weaving
Rob Lowe
Reece Tenneson
Holt McCallany
Frank Whaley
Wade Coley
Amy Ryan
Cindy Coley
Lucas Till
Tripp Coley
Danny Glover
Mr. Weathers
Jane Levy
Barry Pepper
Sheriff Rick
Jedidiah Goodacre
Chris Wedge
Henry Kingi
Jordana Largy
Tenneson's Secretary
Daniel Bacon
Giacomo Baessato
Special Agent
Garvin Cross
Candice Zhao
Thomas Lennon
Dr. Bill Dowd
Philip Granger
Used Car Lot Owner
Chris Gauthier
Mr. Geldon
Denney Pierce
Tucker Albrizzi
Sam Geldob
Scott Patey
Daniel Boileau
Car Lot Associate
Faustino Di Bauda
Aliyah O'Brien
Junior Scientist
Peter New
Taxi Cab Driver
Chad Willett
Dad (uncredited)
Simon Chin
Security Guard
Stacey Scowley
TV Reporter
Ruairi MacDonald
9th Grader
Devielle Johnson
Terravex Security Guard
Christian Sloan
Howie Lai
Emanuel Fappas
Truck Driver (uncredited)
Ryan Cowie
Other Deputy
Adrian Formosa
Security Merc
Jagen Johnson
Terravex Worker
Ian Carter
Oil Exec

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