Drama Romance
Reiko is a high class call girl employed by a large corporation. She’ll do anything necessary to help her employer land new business, including kinky sex and humiliation, to please her high class clientele. Secretly bedding rival company executives on her own time, Reiko’s world turns upside down when a former lover comes back to her for affection. The problem is he’s married! With yet another shy employee vying for her attention, Reiko gets caught in a triple tryst that could change her future forever.
Directed by
Yasuaki Uegaki
Rei Akasaka
Rieko Tamura - Secretary with Broken Heart
Koichi Ueda
Managing Director Horikawa
Kenji Kodama
Senior Managing Director Masayoshi Kubota
Kurumi Jôgenji
Hanayo Kurashima
Kaori Kuno
Tomoe Hayakawa
Junpei Kusami
Takayuki Sugimoto
Shigeki Ishii
Tadashi Hidaka
Tamaki Komiyama
Erika Imamura
Michiko Sakagami

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