Action Adventure Drama Western
From a tragic misunderstanding, the farmer Stathis Karatasos (Angelos Antonopoulos) is accused as the leader of a notorious gang. He manages to escape just before getting executed and the law enforcement starts chasing him. Even the bandits are looking to find him, believing that he has the loot of the robbery in his possession. In addition, another prisoner called Tsakos (Kostas Kazakos) tries to locate him and bring him back dead or alive, in order to ensure the freedom promised to him by the police.
Directed by
Nikos Foskolos
Written by
Nikos Foskolos
Betty Arvaniti
Warden's Mistress
Kostas Kazakos
Angelos Antonopoulos
Stathis Karatasos
Spyros Kalogirou
Pavlos Liaros
Kostas Bakas
Mema Stathopoulou
Giorgos Kovaios

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