Drama History Thriller
In New York's 1880s newspaper district, a dedicated journalist manages to set up his own paper. It is an immediate success but attracts increasing opposition from one of the bigger papers and its newspaper heiress owner.
Directed by
Samuel Fuller
Written by
Samuel Fuller
Charles Horvath
Monk Rogers
Dee Pollock
Gene Evans
Phineas Mitchell
Frank Marlowe
Forrest Taylor
Charles A. Leach
Dick Elliott
Jeff Hudson
Jean Del Val
Mr. Dessard
Harry 'Snub' Pollard
George O'Hanlon
Steve Brodie
Stuart Randall
Mr. Spiro
Herbert Heyes
Josiah Davenport
J.M. Kerrigan
Dan O'Rourke
Stanley Price
George Taylor
Hal K. Dawson
Mr. Wiley
Neyle Morrow
Thomas Guest
Mary Welch
Charity Hackett
Bela Kovacs
Ottmar Mergenthaler
Don Orlando
Mr. Angelo

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