Romance Comedy
It took a lot of cajoling to get Bob, a recently widowed architect, to go on a blind date at a quirky Irish-Italian eatery. Once there, he's smitten instantly not with his date but with the sharp-witted waitress. Everything seems to be going great until an unbelievable truth is revealed, one that could easily break both of their hearts for good.
Directed by
Bonnie Hunt
David Alan Grier
Charlie Johnson
Bonnie Hunt
Megan Dayton
Minnie Driver
Grace Briggs
Joely Richardson
Elizabeth Rueland
David Duchovny
Bob Rueland
Robert Loggia
Angelo Pardipillo
Jim Belushi
Joe Dayton
Eddie Jones
Emmett McFadden
Brian Howe
Chris Barnes
Tom Virtue
Dr. Senderak
Don Lake
Carroll O'Connor
Marty O'Reilly
Marianne Muellerleile
William Bronder
Wally Jatczak
Adam Tanguay
Adam Dayton
Karson Pound
Karson Dayton

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