Comedy Drama
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
Directed by
Naoto Takenaka
Written by
Naoto Takenaka, Tomomi Tsutsui, Akio Miyazawa
Hiroyuki Sanada
Tadanobu Asano
Satoshi Matsushita
Naoto Takenaka
Tatsuya Tsuda
Nene Otsuka
Kyoka Suzuki
Momoko Hibino
Kanji Tsuda
Hiroshi Morishita
Yoshiko Kuga
Fujio Suga
Hidekazu Akai
Nobuyuki Ishii
Ryo Iwamatsu
Member of Main Station
Yoichi Nukumizu
Yuichi Nakae
Yoji Tanaka
Kiyoshiro Imawano
Natsuo Ishido

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