Drama Crime
Real Gangsters tells the story of the Lo Giacamo family, one of the most successful crime syndicates in New York City. Run by cousins Vincent Lo Giacamo and Jack Lo Giacamo, Real Gangsters shows how these two men maintain control of their dangerous extended family and volatile business ventures by very different means.
Directed by
Frank D'Angelo
John Savage
Ted Roberts
Steven Bauer
Big Nick Salens
Robert Loggia
Gaitanno 'Tanno'
Nick Mancuso
Vincent 'Jimmie' Lo Giacamo
Michael Paré
Frank D'Cecco 'Frankie'
Margot Kidder
Stella Kelly
Ellen Dubin
Mary Gale Kelly
Art Hindle
Mitchel McClane
Sean McCann
Josephy Ryan
Jason Blicker
Mob Thug
Johnny Williams
Big Tony
Nahanni Johnstone
Beauty #1
Géza Kovács
Russian Mob Boss
Tony Rosato
Louis Di Bianco
Lina Giornofelice
Maria Teresa
Chantal Quesnel
Robert Mangiardi
Richard Lett
Vincent's Bodyguard
Eva Hayes

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