Family Animation Comedy
When Goldilocks, a sassy reality TV star decides to film her next show at the humble home of the Bears, she gives them a taste of the celebrity sweet life they've never had before
Directed by
Howard E. Baker, Arish Fyzee
Written by
Chris Parrish
Brooke Shields
Ruby Bear (voice)
Tom Arnold
Mac Bear (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
Jay Weasel (voice)
Jessica DiCicco
Misty Bear / Gretel / Girl Fan 2 (voice)
Nolan North
Weasel 1 / Cool Smooth Wolf (voice)
Jenni Pulos
Old Lady Hare / Inga / Girl Fan 1 (voice)
Audrey Wasilewski
Rhonda / Heather / Mandy / Contractor Cow (voice)
Jamie Lynn Spears
Goldilocks (voice)
James Arnold Taylor
Cricket 2 / Weasel 2 / Pig Classmate 3 (voice)
Steve Wilcox
Doodie / Pig Classmate 2 / Bob Stork (voice)
Armando Valdes-Kennedy
Jorge / Paparazzi 3 (voice)
Brian Michael Jones
Eddie Goose / Cricket 1 / Hansel (voice)
Colton Parsons
Junior Bear (voice)
Ronn Ozuk
Chad Frog / Paparazzi 1 / Scary Girl Fan (voice)
Ben Baker
Richard Pig / Pig Classmate 1 / Paparazzi 2 (voice)
Chris Elwood
Simon Owl / Rex Stork (voice)

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