Comedy Thriller Crime Mystery Fantasy
Browning is a PI with a bad cold, who's sent to investigate a case by a mysterious client. He stumbles across the body of a young woman and is stabbed to death, and when he wakes up in heaven, they tell him he's "marginal material," and they can only decide on his final destination through one last assignment: to go back and solve his own murder. As a dog. A cute fluffy little dog (Benji). Undaunted, Browning begins to investigate the case as best he can around his canine disabilities (dialing the phone presents a special challenge) to solve the murders, save the girl, and see justice done.
Directed by
Joe Camp
Written by
Rod Browning
Chevy Chase
Omar Sharif
Jane Seymour
Donnelly Rhodes
Lorenzo Music
Heavenly Public Address (Voice)
John Stride
Alistair Becket
Robert Morley
Richard Vernon
Quimby Charles
Barbara Leigh-Hunt
Alan Sues
Frank Williams
Mr. Easton
Margaret Courtenay
Lady Chalmers
Benji a.k.a Browning (as Benjean)
Stuart Germain
Higgins / Deaf Postie
Tony Angelo
Floor Supervisor
Rod Browning

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