Romance Western Drama
In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love and he persuades her to elope with him. After they get married, Sam is torn between his love for Lola and his yearn for traveling.
Directed by
Victor Fleming
Written by
Keene Thompson, Harvey Fergusson, Julian Johnson, John Farrow
Gary Cooper
Sam Lash
Leone Lane
Dance-hall girl
George Regas
Black Wolf
Lupe Vélez
Lola Salazar
Constantine Romanoff
Rube Thatcher
Russ Columbo
Ambrosio Guiterrez
Louis Wolheim
Ann Brody
Michael Vavitch
Don Solomon Salazar
Augustina López

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