Animation Adventure Action Crime Drama
Lupin & Jigen have their sights set on a treasure called the Little Comet, which is located in the heavily fortified country of East Doroa. During the heist, Jigen is almost killed by a sniper named Yael Okuzaki. His specialty is preparing tombstones for his targets before executing them. It's said that no one can survive after Yael makes their tombstone.
Directed by
Takeshi Koike
Miyuki Sawashiro
Fujiko Mine (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Inspector Koichi Zenigata (voice)
Kanichi Kurita
Arsène Lupin III (voice)
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Daisuke Jigen (voice)
Marika Minase
Marta (voice)
Binbin Takaoka
Marandan Ambassador (voice)
Hiroshi Yanaka
Embassy Staff (voice)
Daigo Fujimaki
Piano Man (voice)
Kanji Obana
Mamo (voice)
Aki Nagao
Concert Spectator (voice)
Toshitsugu Takashina
Rondo Owner (voice)
Atsuo Hasegawa
Café Waiter (voice)
Kenichi Hoshino
Rookie Cop (voice)
Akio Hirose
Okuzaki Yael (voice)
Kazumasa Takemoto
Official (voice)
Naoki Oikawa
Pier Machiavelli (voice)

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