Animation Family
Two animated fables from the Disney studios. In 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' Ichabod Crane is besotted by the lovely Katrina but has to contend with Brom Bones, the town bully. Their rivalry leads Crane to the legend of Sleepy Hollow and the headless horseman. In 'The Prince and the Pauper' Mickey, Goofy, Donald and Pluto star in Disney's re-working of the Mark Twain classic.
Directed by
George Scribner, Jack Kinney, Clyde Geronimi
Written by
George Scribner
Frank Welker
Archbishop / Dying King (voice) (archive footage)
Charlie Adler
Weasel #2 / Weasel #3 / Pig Driver / Peasant / Man in Street (voice) (archive footage)
Tony Anselmo
Donald Duck (voice) (archive footage)
Bill Farmer
Goofy / Horace Horsecollar / Weasel #1 / Pluto (voice) (archive footage)
Bing Crosby
Narrator / Ichabod Crane / Brom Bones (voice) (archive footage)
Roy Dotrice
Narrator (voice) (archive footage)
Arthur Burghardt
Captain Pete (voice) (archive footage)
Elvia Allman
Clarabelle Cow (voice) (archive footage)
Wayne Allwine
Mickey Mouse / Prince (voice) (archive footage)

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