Drama Comedy Romance
The holidays get overly festive as Olaf "Gunn" Gunnunderson, an out-and-proud gay college student, crawls back into the closet to survive the holidays with his parents. But when his boyfriend, Nathan, shows up at their doorstep unannounced, Gunn must put on a charade to keep the relationship a secret. With pressure mounting from all sides, will Gunn come out before the truth does?
Directed by
Rob Williams
Written by
Rob Williams
Alison Arngrim
Heather Mancuso
Gates McFadden
Martha Stanford
Hallee Hirsh
Abby Mancuso
Ian Buchanan
Peter Stanford
Kelly Keaton
Anya Gunnunderson
Keith Jordan
Olaf 'Gunn' Gunnunderson
Derek Long
Sven Gunnunderson
Adamo Ruggiero
Nathan Stanford
Wyatt Fenner
Massimo Quagliano

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