Mystery Thriller
Richard Hanney has a rude awakening when a glamorous female spy falls into his bed - with a knife in her back. Having a bit of trouble explaining it all to Scotland Yard, he heads for the hills of Scotland to try to clear his name by locating the spy ring known as The 39 Steps.
Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
John Laurie
John the Crofter
Godfrey Tearle
Professor Jordan
Peggy Ashcroft
The Crofter's Wife Margaret
Matthew Boulton
Fake Police Officer (uncredited)
Miles Malleson
Palladium Manager (uncredited)
Robert Donat
Richard Hannay
Madeleine Carroll
Elizabeth Inglis
Professor Jordan's Daughter Pat (uncredited)
Frederick Piper
The Milkman (uncredited)
Vida Hope
Usherette (uncredited)
Lucie Mannheim
Annabella Smith
Frank Cellier
Sheriff Watson
John Turnbull
Scottish Police Inspector (uncredited)
Wylie Watson
Mr. Memory
Wallace Bosco
Palladium Doorman (uncredited)
Peggy Simpson
The Jordans' Maid
Helen Haye
Louisa Jordan
Gus McNaughton
Salesman on the Flying Scotsman
Ivor Barnard
Political Meeting Chairman (uncredited)
Jerry Verno
Salesman on the Flying Scotsman
S. J. Warmington
Scotland Yard Man (uncredited)
Pat Hagate
M.C. Who Introduces Mr. Memory (uncredited)
Carleton Hobbs
Fake Police Officer (uncredited)
Quinton McPherson
Clergyman on the Flying Scotsman (uncredited)
Hilda Trevelyan
The Innkeeper's Wife (uncredited)
Ex-Det. Sergt. Bishop
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
James Knight
Detective at London Palladium (uncredited)
John Rae
Audience Member at Political Meeting (uncredited)
Noel Birkin
Minor Role (uncredited)
Charles Hubert Renard
Second Violinist (uncredited)

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