Comedy Romance Drama
Su-chan, Mai-chan, Sawako-san follows the lives of three women who are former co-workers. 34-year-old Su-chan works at a coffee shop and has feelings for the manager there. 34-year-old Mai-chan works at an OA machine maker. She is in a relationship with a married man. 39-year-old Sawako works as a web designer and also takes care of her grandmother. -san and her mother take care of her grandmother.
Directed by
Osamu Minorikawa
Written by
Sachiko Tanaka, Miri Masuda
Ko Shibasaki
Arata Iura
Shota Sometani
Kosuke Chiba (employee at cafe)
Shinobu Terajima
Megumi Sato
Mika Iwai
Yoko Maki
Aoi Yoshikura
Minami Koba
Ai Takabe
Chigusa Maeba
Mio Uema
Chika Takeda

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