Action Thriller
High school girl, green was the leader of a female gang fight galore, of losing knowing since I was a kid, but it was unrelated to dominate the Academy as "Oniyakko-kai". Led by Ranko, Oniyakko-kai had to mediation as a "toy" to the president and principal of a high school girl in the back. By attacked by a principal, helped HARUE that has ran for his life from the demon guy Association, green day is made to wind up have a one-on-one battle and Ranko.
Directed by
Toshiya Kominami
Written by
Toshiya Kominami
Yuri, the Cockscomb
Saya Kobayashi
Akari Asahina
Maki, the Lone Wolf
Rika Hoshimi
Midori, the Wild Chrysanthemum
Asuka Misugi
Harue, Sewer Rat
Yoko Fujimura

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