Drama Action Adventure
It's 1961. Two servicemen smuggle a box of military gear to USA. Leroy tries out a military camera and accidentally takes a picture of some military facilities. Army finds one of the pictures and thinks they're communist spies.
Directed by
Paul Glickler
Lonny Chapman
Pa Beecher
John Saxon
Captain Munoz
Judge Reinhold
Leroy Beecher
Annie McEnroe
Sally Mae Giddens
Pat Hingle
Bradford Dillman
Arthur Jaeger
Tom Tully
C-47 Pilot
Ken Wahl
Chas McClain
Dan Chandler
Tom McFadden
Col. Williams
Tim Brantly
Kid in Jalopy
Lisa Felcoski
Francine Joyce
Robin Winston
Malcolm Jones
Roger Pretto
Commando Lieutenant
Jorge Gil
Commando Soldier
Ken Rahgers
Televison Newsman
John Leeward
Mary Lawson
Xavier Barquet
Gene McLaughlin

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