Romance Drama Comedy
Antoine is now 30, working as a proofreader and getting divorced from his wife. It's the first "no-fault" divorce in France and a media circus erupts, dredging up Antoine's past. Indecisive about his new love with a store clerk, he impulsively takes off with an old flame.
Directed by
François Truffaut
Alain Souchon
Daniel Mesguich
Xavier Barnerias
André Dussollier
Hero in Cinema (footage from 'Une Belle Fille comme Moi') (uncredited)
Richard Berry
Petit Rôle (uncredited)
Rosy Varte
La Mère de Colette
Claude Jade
Christine Doinel
Julien Bertheau
Monsieur Lucien
Marie-France Pisier
Colette Tazzi
Sabine Barnerias
Julien Dubois
Alphonse Doinel
Jean-Pierre Léaud
Antoine Doinel
Marie Henriau
La Juge du Divorce
Anne Kreis
Heroine in Cinema (uncredited)
Jean-Pierre Ducos
L'Avocat de Christine
Pierre Dios
Maître Renard
Alain Ollivier
Le Juge d' Aix en Provence
Christian Lentretien
Le Dragueur du Train
Alexandre Janssen
L'Enfant du Wagon-restaurant
Chantal Zaugg
Une Petite Fille
Richard Kanayan
Client at Music-shop (uncredited)
Josiane Couëdel

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