Action Adventure Drama
Centuries ago in the Orient, the fiscal exactions on the people lead to a revolt against the usurper of the throne, and the empowerment of a new leader.
Directed by
Tanio Boccia
Irène Tunc
Edda Ferronao
Fatima's Maid #1
Rik Battaglia
Fosco Giachetti
Omar - Nadir's Father
Franco Balducci
Nureddin - Nadir's Companion
Paul Müller
Sultan Dakar
Aldo Pini
Chief of Prison Guards
Tatiana Farnese
Renato Montalbano
Giulio Donnini
Rato - the Chancellor
Gianna Maria Canale
Dinazar / Zobeida
Attilio Torelli
Leader of the Red Robes Tribe
Riccardo Ferri
Leader of the White Robes Tribe
Myriam Cordella
Fatima's Maid #2

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