Animation Comedy Family Mystery
The mystery begins when Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to "WrestleMania" and convince the crew to go with them to WWE City. But this city harbors a spooky secret - a ghastly Ghost Bear holds the town in his terrifying grip! To protect the coveted WWE Championship Title, the gang gets help from WWE Superstars like John Cena, Triple H, Sin Cara, Brodus Clay, AJ Lee, The Miz and Kane. Watch Scooby and the gang grapple with solving this case before it's too late.
Directed by
Brandon Vietti
Written by
Michael Ryan
John Cena
Himself (voice)
Matthew Lillard
Shaggy Rogers (voice)
Frank Welker
Fred Jones/ Scooby-Doo (voice)
Grey DeLisle
Daphne Blake (voice)
Paul Lévesque
Triple H (voice)
Fred Tatasciore
The Bear (voice)
Bumper Robinson
Ruben (voice)
Charles S. Dutton
Cookie (voice)
Mike Mizanin
The Miz (voice)
Glenn Jacobs
Kane (voice)
Corey Burton
Bayard / Announcer (voice)
Mary McCormack
Ms. Richards (voice)
Mindy Cohn
Velma Dinkley (voice)
April Jeanette Mendez
AJ Lee (voice)
Michael Coulthard
Michael Cole (voice)
George Murdoch
Brodus Clay (voice)
Anthony Carelli
Santino Marella (voice)

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