Drama Romance History
In the wake of the Cairo Fire, Essam feels guilty for betraying his friend Samir by messing around with his wife Madiha. Essam decides to take revenge on Madiha's father who pressured him to marry her to avoid a scandal.
Directed by
Kamal El Sheikh
Written by
Jamal Hammad
Salah Zulfikar
Rushdy Abaza
Soad Hosny
Mimi Gamal
Mahmoud El Meligy
عزمي باشا
Salah Nazmi
ضابط بوليس سياسي
Adawy Ghaith
Ibrahim Khan
Hassan Atla
Zizi Mostafa
Mohamed El Dafrawi
فريد مكرم
Nadia Seif ElNasr
شريفة هانم
Helmy Hilaly

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