Comedy Crime
In this Frenco-Italian gangster parody, a shop keeper on his way to an Italian holiday suffers a crash which totals his car. The culprit can only compensate his ruined trip by driving an American friends car from Napels to Bordeaux, but as it happens to be filled with such contraband as stolen money, jewelry and drugs, the involuntary and unwitting companions in crime soon attract all but recreational attention from the "milieu".
Directed by
Gérard Oury
Venantino Venantini
Mickey, "le bègue"
Bob Lerick
Loulou, un complice de Mickey
Beba Lončar
Ursula, l'autostoppeuse
Michel Modo
un douanier
Louis de Funès
Léopold Saroyan
Lando Buzzanca
Lino, le barbier
Guy Delorme
Luigi, un complice de Mickey
Henri Virlogeux
un complice de Saroyan
Antoine Maréchal
Guy Grosso
un douanier
Alida Chelli
Gina, la manucure
Saro Urzì
Tagliella, le garagiste à Naples (uncredited)
Henri Génès
Martial, le brigadier
Nicole Desailly
Mme Chenu, la concierge (uncredited)
Gérard Oury
Jacques Eyser
un complice de Saroyan
Jean Meyer
un complice de Saroyan
Jean Droze
l'homme de main de Saroyan
Walter Chiari
Jacques Ferrière
le chauffeur de Saroyan
Pierre Roussel
Mario Costa, le majordome
Marius Gaidon
un policier à Bordeaux (uncredited)
Jean-Marie Bon
le garagiste à Rome
Germaine de France
la vieille femme (uncredited)
Jack Ary
le douanier-chef
Yvon Jeanclaude
un policier
Bernard Meusnier
le secrétaire de Saroyan
Louis Viret
Robert Duranton
le costaud dans la douche (uncredited)
Jean Minisini
un policier à Carcassonne (uncredited)
Eric Vasberg
un policier à Carcassonne (uncredited)

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