War Drama
In December 1937, during the Second Japanese-Sino War, a Chinese doctor, his Japanese pregnant wife, their teenage daughter and their young son travel from Shanghai to Nanjing seeking shelter in the Capital during the Japanese invasion. The family faces the Rape of Nanking by the Imperial Japanese Army, with rapes, mass murder of prisoners of war and civilians including women, children and elders, and disrespect of international conventions.
Directed by
Wu Ziniu
Ding Haifeng
René Liu
Chin Han
Cheng Xian
Ai Saotome
Tao Zeru
Paul Chu Kong
Franco Chiang
Tso Shiao-Hu
Ko Chun-Pang
Liu Wei-Hua
Cong Zhijun
Chen Guodian
Keizaburo Kubo
Sheng-kuo Lin
Ulrich Ottenburger
Rebecca Peyrelon
Shaoma Shi

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