Drama War
During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time they will be collected. The village leaders convene to interrogate the prisoners. The townspeople then struggle to accommodate the prisoners. One is a bellicose Japanese nationalist, the other a nervous translator. Will the townspeople manage to keep the prisoners until the New Year?
Directed by
Jiang Wen
Written by
Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen
Ma Dasan
David Wu
Major Gao
Teruyuki Kagawa
Kosaburo Hanaya
Jiang Hongbo
Kenya Sawada
Inokichi Sakatsuka
Cui Jian
Yuan Ding
Dong Hanchen
Li Haibin
Chen Qiang
Lone-Stroke Liu
Cong Zhijun
Cai Weidong
Er Bozi
Chen Lianmei
Yoshimoto Miyaji
Koji Nonomura

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