Adventure Fantasy
Bodybuilder Ed Fury stars as the legendary Ursus in this above-average sword-and-sandal adventure from veteran director Carlo Campogalliani. The plot concerns Ursus' attempts to rescue his kidnapped fiancee, aided by a pretty blind slave girl. Now an evil queen, Ursus' former love throws him into a gladiatorial arena with a bull, which manages to smack the slave girl in the head and restore her eyesight before Ursus defeats it and his enemies. The bullfight is particularly well-staged, and this exciting spectacle may be the highlight of Fury's erratic screen career. ~ Robert Firsching, Rovi
Directed by
Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia
Gérard Herter
Ed Fury
Andrea Scotti
Moira Orfei
Gianni Solaro
Lucia Modugno
Mariangela Giordano
Giacomo Furia
Alberto Lupo
Nino Fuscagni
Aldo Barberito
María Luisa Merlo
Michele Malaspina
re Anurio
Elena Forte
Giancarlo Maestri
Edoardo Torricella

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