Family Comedy Animation
Mike and Sulley are back at Monsters University for a fun-filled weekend with their Oozma Kappa fraternity brothers. The gang is throwing their first party, but no one’s showing up. Luckily for them, Mike and Sulley have come up with a plan to make sure “Party Central” is the most epic party the school has ever seen.
Directed by
Kelsey Mann
Written by
Kelsey Mann
Nathan Fillion
Johnny (voice)
John Goodman
Sullivan (voice)
Billy Crystal
Mike (voice)
Charlie Day
Art (voice)
Dave Foley
Terry (voice)
Joel Murray
Don (voice)
Bobby Moynihan
Chet (voice)
Sean Hayes
Terri (voice)
Peter Sohn
Squishy (voice)
Julia Sweeney
Ms. Squibbles (voice)
Cristina Pucelli
Timmy (voice)
James Kevin Ward
Dad (voice)

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